3 tips to help you network better

AIESEC in Singapore
2 min readMay 12, 2022


Many youths today feel stressed about knowing the right industry professionals, and building the right network to discover their career paths, and job opportunities. Here with AIESEC, you can sign up for our Heading 4 the Future (H4TF) programme to do just that!

Networking does not mean contacting everyone and asking them for a job. People often associate networking with being pushy and overbearing, but that should not be the case! Networking within any industry should bring you valuable insights from professionals, help to expand your horizons and even (sometimes) gain precious friends and mentors in the process!

That being said, here are 3 useful tips to help you network better.

  1. Leverage the power of social media

Social media is an effective way to get to know important contacts better and without the pressure of a face to face meeting that you may not be prepared for. You can seek out like-minded industry professionals that you would like to know better with your LinkedIn profile, Facebook, Instagram and more. Try commenting on a link they’ve posted, start a conversation about their field with them, or even talk about any common hobbies you have!

  1. Sign up for networking events!

Networking events is a great way to meet industry professionals from all over the country. You can find various networking events via your university platforms or via AIESEC’s social media platforms! From networking events, find out what skills are desired in today’s world and maybe even learn about the hiring secrets in your dream company!

  1. Keep your online presence up-to-date

The world today revolves around LinkedIn and other social media platforms. The internet has provided us connection to people from all over the world, some of whom include the industry professionals that hire us or we have to work. Keeping our LinkedIn and digital portfolios up to date ensures that hiring managers have the most relevant information that help us get hired. Being active on LinkedIn allows you to see your digital profile and connect with you, which are all steps to getting hired!

Written by Souparno Khan



AIESEC in Singapore

Developing leadership in youths through cross-cultural exchange and undertake projects to fulfill Sustainable Development Goals.