Appreciating Different Cultures

AIESEC in Singapore
3 min readMay 10, 2022


Stepping out of your comfort zone — into another town, a different city, or a whole new country can definitely be daunting. The experience, however, will be beyond your imagination! On this journey, you will learn life skills and grow to become more independent. Most of all, you would be able to immerse yourself into an unfamiliar and exciting culture.

Image source: iStock

Nowadays, the popular television shows, movies and celebrities we know and love come from so many different parts of the world; for example, the hit TV show Squid Game originates from South Korea, while sitcoms like Brooklyn Nine-Nine is set in the United States. Because of globalization, and the connectivity we now experience, we may feel as though we are already able to understand varying cultures through these sources of entertainment.

However, watching how a different society acts on screen is extremely different from experiencing it firsthand! The values and insights you can gain from going to a new place and immersing yourself into their culture are boundless. Here are some simple steps you can take to appreciate different cultures:

1) Be Social! Meet New People

Image source: DreamsTime

Whether you are an extrovert or an introvert, finding a community in your new environment is key to guarantee a fulfilling time. You can do this by picking up a team sport, joining an interest group, or even frequenting popular local spots like cafes. If you are naturally more shy, make it a point to say “yes” to events others invite you to!

2) Appreciate Differences

Image source: iStock

Instead of being quick to make assumptions about other people, always keep an open mind. When you are speaking to someone new, take time to listen to their story and opinions. You would be surprised how different the family lives, school experiences, and general beliefs can vary between each individual.

3) Reflect on Your Own Growth

Image source: iStock

Reflection is one of the most important parts of the growth process. Pondering over the conversations you had in order to properly process what you learnt from the interactions you had is essential! You’d be surprised how many new insights you can gain through merely reflecting.

Want to experience a new environment and put these tips into practice? We have the perfect opportunities for you.

Our Opportunities For You:

Global Talent

AIESEC’s Global Talent is a great platform where you can develop your leadership skills, while boosting your career prospects with an international internship in your field. With more than 1,300 partner companies and institutions, and over 100 different destinations, AIESEC’s Premium Partners provide ample opportunities for top candidates across backgrounds.

Hopping on board with AIESEC’s Global Talent allows you to develop your leadership qualities with proper support, in terms of — logistics, a clear job description, safe living conditions, and an all-rounded learning experience. Our AIESEC members in both your home and host countries would be there for you every step of the way in your Global Talent journey. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today!

Virtual Professional Programme

If you would rather remain in your home country while still reaping the benefits and experience of being part of an overseas office, the Virtual Professional Program is the opportunity for you.

The Virtual Professional Program is a 4–12 weeks remote internship program, designed to provide opportunities to work in companies across 20 countries, across fields such as Business Administration, Business Development, Marketing, Finance and Information Technology, at the comfort of your own home. Does it interest you? Indicate your interest with us today!

Written by Zenia Yap



AIESEC in Singapore

Developing leadership in youths through cross-cultural exchange and undertake projects to fulfill Sustainable Development Goals.